Beekeeping, Gardening and Quilting in Eastern Wake County, North Carolina

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hurricanes Florence and Michael

Enough already!
It seems we're having a spell and not a good one!  Hurricane Florence has come and gone but left so much damage behind.  A_+{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[e34  (the cat just walked on the computer)  I was going to type the damage was terrible in so many places and now Hurricane Michael is wrecking havoc.  I just heard a transformer blow but I still have power - I'm on an "old grid" so we seldom lose power (that said, we'll see what happens).  I live in what they call "Old Town" meaning there are so many new subdivisions and every clod of dirt that can be built on - well, I'm getting off the subject and going on a rant. 
So I'm safe, dry and all my animals are okay.  Not much more you can ask for in the scheme of things.  I just hope the tops don't blow off the beehives.  And yes, they are fine or were today when I checked.  Still feeding but they're not taking much sugar syrup but it's there if they want it.
I remember Hurricane Floyd or one of those F named hurricanes.  I told the girls to do their homework - they'd be going to school - get it done.  A huge oak tree fell during the night but didn't hit the house.  I slept thru the whole thing.  There was no school the next day and for several days after the hurricane.  So that just shows what I know! 
So be safe and hope you didn't have much or any damage. 

Downtown New Bern NC
Hurricane Florence

Downtown New Bern NC
Hurricane Florence
I can tell you there were sailboats in the Trent River stuck in mud in low lying areas, all kinds of debris in the fields of corn, piers gone and water in places nobody had ever seen before.