Beekeeping, Gardening and Quilting in Eastern Wake County, North Carolina

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Chickens and Eggs

So things have changed with my chickens.  I only have three now - all Barred Rock which are great but it's like having triplets!  After many long months of bickering they have settled down and are living the good life.
Time passed and no eggs so I called the man I bought them from and expressed my concern (mainly, did I get roosters - what's going on here).  Well he assured me I would know if they were roosters and every chicken is different so give them time.  Good things come to those who wait (is that right?)  Anyhow, I was cleaning the coop a couple of weeks ago and over in the darkest corner was a nest with 17 eggs - I know - where was I when all this was happening - who knows!  So fixed that and now I'm getting eggs on a regular basis.