Beekeeping, Gardening and Quilting in Eastern Wake County, North Carolina

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Triplets

Well, they're here already - that's right - the Triplets!  Three barred rock pullets.  I picked them up today in Youngsville and I must say the seller and I had quite a conversation - well, he had quite a conversation.  About talked my ears off but the Triplets are healthy, happy and settled in their new home.  And they traveled home in style in a dog/cat carrier - he brought them to me in a cardboard box.  Chickens are easy to move - you just have to remember they poop all the way home.

Right now I'm keeping the Triplets in a separate house till they get a little older and bigger.  They won't start laying till February but I'm excited - just the thought of having real eggs again!  Yippee!
I'm waiting to hear from a friend about the old girls moving to a Safehouse.