Honey Bee - The General Assembly of 1973 designated the Honey Bee as the official State Insect. (Session Laws, 1973, c.55).
The Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) is responsible for the annual production of more than $1 million worth of honey in the state, according to the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. However, the greatest value of Honey Bees is their role in the growing cycle as a major contributor to the pollination of North Carolina crops. According to a 2005 estimate, honey bees account for approximately $154 million in annual crop productivity in North Carolina.
The Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) is responsible for the annual production of more than $1 million worth of honey in the state, according to the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. However, the greatest value of Honey Bees is their role in the growing cycle as a major contributor to the pollination of North Carolina crops. According to a 2005 estimate, honey bees account for approximately $154 million in annual crop productivity in North Carolina.
A great after dinner trivia contest - name the state symbols. We did this several weeks ago and I knew way to many - nerd alert! But I was in the fourth grade three times - I should know everything (if you don't understand, my fourth grade and the girls in fourth grade - don't want you to think I'm that dumb).