Nuc #1
Sunday afternoon I opened both nucs and looked inside to see how they were really doing.
Both still had frames to fill out - lots of bees, brood, and pollen in both nucs.
Nuc #2 - this is looking down inside the hive - you can see the screened bottom board - helps keep them cool and I think really helps in the disease control.
I didn't take the frames out of Nuc #1 - I could see enough from just looking in the top after taking the inner cover off - no need to get them all out of wack.
I had to get the sugar syrup in a jar and put on top of the brood box - then close it up.
I also fed Nuc #2 - need to keep feeding them - I've been a little slack lately - hot weather and all.
I had to get the sugar syrup in a jar and put on top of the brood box - then close it up.