Beekeeping, Gardening and Quilting in Eastern Wake County, North Carolina

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Honey Bees

Late this afternoon I checked the bees.  It's been rainy and I'm still feeding all the hives.  I put a super on Hive #1 and Hive #3.  Hive #2, which I've been so concerned about, has a queen but they're struggling so I borrowed two full supers from Hive #4.  This will give them honey if they need it and it might not do any good but it made me feel better. 
Mother's Day is upon us again and I'll just say "I did the best I could under the circumstances".  You don't get instructions with those little chitlings and you just have to make do sometimes and do what you think is right at the time.  My Mom passed away a couple of years ago - I miss asking her questions - she knew a lot about a lot if that makes sense.