Beekeeping, Gardening and Quilting in Eastern Wake County, North Carolina

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sourwood Honey

In order to have a particular type of honey, the apiarist (beekeeper) will put a hive of bees in a field or area where a particular plant is blooming or needs pollinating. When a super is full, it's taken off immediately and that particular super will be labeled "sourwood honey", "lavender honey" or a specialized type of honey.

Sourwood honey is a favorite for a lot of folks. We don't have many sourwood trees in our area but I have seen a few - they're mostly in the western part of the state. They are very slow growing trees and you might see them along the highways. They're also called Lily of the Valley trees.

These trees are on Highway 54 near the fairgrounds.
Try some sourwood - it has a very distinctive flavor.

But my honey is still the best!